History; Mr. Everything began as a property maintenance and contracting company back in the mid 1980's.

At That Time; Scott T. Collins, was the only legal user of the company name and title worldwide.

Mr. Everything; Enjoys an A rating and no BBB complaints throughout the history of the business.

Respectable; 40 years of impeccable business experience in The Pacific Northwest Region.

Merchandise; Hats, shirts, tank tops, sweatshirts were best sellers and still available.

Local Contributions; Donating services to the elderly and those unable to pay for basic service needs.

Also; The sponsorship of athletics including The Mr. Everything Raiders which won a few and, with humor, lost even more.

Present; In 40 years not one service related complaint has been filed and few issues brought to the attention of the owner.

Future; Continue working for the citizens of this region including the needs of the elderly, for another 40 years.